Family Screening: E.T. the Extra Terrestrial with ROM activities
On Sunday, June 16, bring the whole family to this fun interactive event featuring a screening of the beloved classic, E.T. the Extra Terrestrial .
Arrive early to meet the ROM team and you’ll get to interact directly with space! We’ll have Martian and Moon rocks (yes, literally rocks from Mars and THE Moon) for you to touch and meteorites that are BILLIONS of years old for you to hold.
Hot Docs Ted Rogers Cinema 506 Bloor Street West, Toronto ON M5S 1Y3
12 pm to 1 pm - Space activities with ROM 1 pm to 3 pm - E.T. the Extra Terrestrial Screening
Tickets: Regular Rates: $15 ($7.50 for 12 and under)
Hot Docs Ted Rogers Cinema
Hot Docs Ted Rogers Cinema
(416) 637-3123
506 Bloor St West
Toronto ON M5S 1Y3
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2024-06-16 16:00:00
2024-06-16 19:00:00
Family Screening: E.T. the Extra Terrestrial with ROM activities
<p>On Sunday, June 16, bring the whole family to this fun interactive event featuring a screening of the beloved classic, <em>E.T. the Extra Terrestrial .</em> </p>
<p>Arrive early to meet the ROM team and you’ll get to interact directly with space! We’ll have Martian and Moon rocks (yes, literally rocks from Mars and THE Moon) for you to touch and meteorites that are BILLIONS of years old for you to hold.</p>
<p> </p>
<p>Hot Docs Ted Rogers Cinema
506 Bloor Street West, Toronto ON M5S 1Y3</p>
506 Bloor St West
Toronto ON M5S 1Y3